Saturday, September 18, 2010

The first stage of English: Vocalizing

This video was shot on July 7th, when Adelaide was just under four months old. It demonstrates her vocalizing (or cooing). She hadn't yet found her lips or tongue to start making consonant sounds with her articulators, but was having a great time playing with her voice day in and day out. Seems she is bound to be just as vocal as her mama. . .uh-oh! Here she is talking to me as she soothed her aching gums with a frozen teether while on vacation in Philadelphia. Incidentally, her two bottom teeth showed up just a few days later!

Adelaide's ASL development has been harder for me to recognize due to my unfamiliarity with early signing development and my reliance on my ears to key in on language, but she did start flapping her arms and touching her fingers together often sometime between three and four months. This is something we have not observed in other hearing babies (from hearing families) her age. I'm curious to hear about your experiences with ASL "babbling" and what that looked like, how it progressed, and how you identified it.

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