Thursday, November 4, 2010

With a flick of the wrist. . .

Thanks to our dear friend "Mo," who takes care of Del from time to time, we have video footage of the new hand-babbling style that our little lady has started to use. So what do you think. . .is this acquisition of palm orientation awareness?

Last night Daddy F was talking with a friend of his while I sat with Del on my lap on the kitchen counter and watched their conversation. Del was enthralled with their hands, staring at each of them in turn while they went back and forth in their chat. At one point, when there was a pause in their conversation, Del took her turn by rotating her hands around and around in tight circles for a few seconds. Then she waited while Daddy F said something to her, to which she responded with another conversational turn! It is so fun watching her participate so actively with communication.

As for her vocal communication, she continues to screech extremely loudly and at a very high pitch, something I'm hoping she trades in for a less ear-splitting kind of vocalization sometime soon. I like to encourage all of her linguistic exploration, but that one is starting to hurt my ears. It's also not something the diners at nearby tables seem to appreciate when we're out for breakfast or lunch, and I haven't yet been successful teaching her about her "inside voice."


  1. so Amanda that hand gesture is totally her mimicking sign!! hand babbling if you will. Jackson plays with his hands but in a different way. WOW! I am so excited to see her grow!!


  2. Hi Nichole,

    Thanks for the comment. Yeah, I still think her hand flapping in circles is a kind of babbling or at least exploration of signing space, but this was impossible not to recognize as intentional and very distinct from the manual play we see hearing babies do. Speaking of Jackson, we need a playdate!
